Car Protection Services

Car Wash Longmile Road did an extensive study and many "try-and-test" tests to build their range of premium Car Protection Services

Protection Services

Graphene Coating: Graphene Ceramic Coatings are the most recent advancement in car detailing technology. Coatings having graphene molecules grafted onto the ceramic backbone are known as graphene coatings. This innovative coating process combines the best-in-class protection with the best-in-class shine and finish. Car Wash Longmile Road is an SPS Coatings certified installer.

Ceramic Coating: A ceramic coating is a liquid resin-based substance that a specialist, such as Car Wash Longmile Road, applies to your vehicle to protect it against harmful chemicals and elements. It also makes your car incredibly shiny and simpler to clean! Car Wash Longmile Road is a Ceramic Pro Certified Installer Studio.